Creative Nonfiction
Creative nonfiction submissions by Canadian writers are accepted for consideration from January to June each year. Submissions by international (including US) writers are accepted during the following two months only: January and May. Writers may submit their work only once per calendar year in any given genre (contests excepted).
The Malahat Review takes creative nonfiction to be literary writing based in fact; style matters no less than substance, whatever form the writing may take (e.g., the personal essay, memoir, biography, travel writing, historical account). We do not accept submissions whose primary purpose is to argue a case, review a literary or art work, or offer an opinion or commentary on someone or something.
- Submissions of a single previously unpublished work of creative nonfiction may be up to 5,000 words in length.
- Or you may submit one to three pieces of up to 1,000 words each (short creative nonfiction).
- For translated creative nonfiction, translators should include a copy of the original(s) with the submission and supply (or be able to supply) evidence of permission to publish their translations.
- Please make your submission in a single .doc, .docx, or .pdf file (double-spaced and paginated).
- On the first page specify the number of words in each piece submitted.
- Please also include your complete contact information (name, full mailing address, email address, telephone number) on the first page of your submission.
In the Title field please insert the title of your story (e.g., Swimming in Sand) or, in the case of shorter submissions, the number of pieces followed by "flash cnf(s)": e.g., 1 flash cnf; 3 flash cnfs. For translations, please include "(in translation)" after the work's title or after the number of flash cnfs: e.g., On Unpacking My Library (in translation) OR 2 short cnfs (in translation).
In the Cover Letter field please include the following information: your name, full mailing address, email address, telephone number; the title(s) of the piece(s) submitted with a word count, and a short biographical note. For statistical purposes, please make sure to indicate your province/state and/or country of origin in your cover letter.
Response times will vary from one to nine months after the date of submission.